

Saturday, February 13, 2010

In the throes of democracy?

Just put down my copy of Can Asians think?.

I always thought democracy at every level is always desirable. But the author argues (and every cogently) that democracy must always be preceded by economic development. Well, he is right. For instance, no democratic Government can do what General McArthur did for Japan. Democracy here is the end, and not the means, something I had never considered....On the face of it, we now see why the Third World countries which have adopted democracy are inching along on the curve of equitable economic development but are nonetheless proud to be a democracy, which precedes all other considerations. That democracy was thrust on them in the name of  freedom of spirit to ensure that they remain backward... Any ideas? I have absolutely none...

(P.S: Only in Asia can you get away with asking Can Asians think? Try asking that of the Europe or the Americas...)


Roy said...

i will have to agree with him, makes sense.

Abhijha said...

umm but what abt United States. They have been democratic (leave aside slavery) after their freedom and have managed to attain economic prosperity.

Abhijha said...

I say leave aside slavery because I dont think that contributed to economic development in a major way

Sathish said...

What is Asia, Europe, America?

Vidhya said...

Can capitalism survive without democracy?

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