

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Freak Magnet

This actually happened a few days back and frankly, I didnt think it was worth blogging. But still, I thought I'll write about it.

I was on my way somewhere in an auto that morning. There was this guy in a scooter, mustve been around 50, who was staring at me continuously and making inappropriate gestures and following  us. My auto driver was meek, not the strong type and evidently didn't want any trouble. No amount of speeding up or taking side-roads could get rid of the scooter. I wasnt too bothered, I mean, what harm can anyone possibly do in the broad daylight on crowded roads?

When we stopped at a signal, the guy pulls up very close to us and says "Why are you staring at me? What do you want?" or something to that effect in Kannada, in an ultra-loud voice, enough to turn all heads..."She is following me and harassing me", he told all the onlookers, who didnt care to reply.

That was when I began to get angry. Who was following whom and staring and all that, not to mention the mouth puckering and the other sick gestures? Who in wide world did this guy think he was??? I cant tell you how angry I got, far far disproportionate to what the situation merited. Sometimes I get violently angry and this was one of those occasions. I was so enraged, I couldnt get any words out to reply and neither did I want a verbal spat in the middle of the road. Thankfully, the signal lasted only a few seconds, and when it lifted, he continued to follow, this time saying stuff like "I'll show you people".

I told the auto to stop at a Police Station on the way. I was determined to teach the guy a lesson. The auto guy was reluctant to stop to which, I told him that if he didnt, I'll  be forced to complain against him also (all his details were there on the Drivers Details sheet at the back of his seat, which is a compulsory display for all autos in Bangalore).

So he stopped and to give credit where its due, he offered to come inside with me and confirm my story. I didnt expect that from a guy who wasnt willing to even stop and was pleasantly surprised. I really expected him to just drop me off and be on his way. People sure are unpredictable at times. The scooter guy, he also stopped grandly and started yelling at us without noticing that we were in front of the Police Station, but as soon as he realised, he was off before we could blink. I should really start driving, no?

P.S: Today I learnt that one hookah session is the same as 100 smokes, since it is tobacco filtered through water.


Anonymous said...

Yes my dear. But police is a risky option, remember dat.

vickey said...

..i guess you should have slap him rather than going to police station. Are you stupid enough to rely on INDIAN POLICE?

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