

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Chamber of Horrors

It’s a lifetstyle choice I guess….gymming I mean…but then what on earth is face-firming? Whatever it is, when the VLCC gym tells you that you have earned yourself a free session of face bloody toning thanks to your sweating it out at their gym, you feel happy, you smile…you don’t think about what exactly it is as long as it is free….

That’s what I did too….

These rooms where they work, they are carefully designed to create an enigmatic atmosphere – soft music, dim lights, tasteful pictures, mysterious oils, the works…so I popped in merry & bright, happy and eager for my free “face-toning” session…

A regular facial accompanied by a 15 minute lecture on benefits of face toning, a patronizing speech on why VLCC is so much better than the others and a super-aggressive sales talk with a fast and furious promo on their products…..well, cant really blame them, I was captive audience after all, right?

So far so good….

The lady then casually announces in her rehearsed tone that she’s going to switch on the “battery current”… “It may sting a bit but its only for a while”, she says…

Problem - “Sting a bit” turns out to be a feeling as if someone is turning your face inside out and setting your nerves on fire…worse still, it gives you a tour of the neural network on your face…literally!!!…a forceful, wrenching tug tells you what is connected to what in your face with vivid clarity, all thanks to the harmless “battery current”…it pulls on your jawbone, and you can feel the unbearable tug right from the nerve on your temple and you realize – hey!!! THIS is how my face is wired….it pulls like a stinging wasp on your chin and you can feel it from the base of your throat and you begin to realize that there are actually many nerves connecting these two spots….its pulls on your forehead and it dawns on you that your forehead is kinda the center and everything is connected to it, since you can feel the horrible yanking from all around your face….and the VERY WORST is when the nerves that connect your teeth and your face come alive, blazing painfully…..kinda makes you long to tear your face out and throw it outta the window…ANYTHING to stop that pain….

I am ashamed to say that I couldn’t sit through my “free session”, enjoyable as it was... I ran out within 15 mins as if a million mad dogs were chasing me, much to the disapproval of the lady….

Now you may ask, why this blogpost??? Well, it just made me think of all those who have to bear the “shock treatment” in psychiatric hospitals or torture-chambers or wherever…if the “harmless battery current” makes my nerves this raw and red and beg for mercy, I cant even begin to imagine what they must go through….

Sometimes, I wonder why man invents these things.


Unknown said...

Now, this is an experience to share, haan??... gud to hear that we care and think over those people who actually are made to go through what we note as torture but when do we actually bother ??... its when we almost go through it naa….after all necessity is the mom of invention. When something is new, it takes time to settle in the realistic terms…. pursuing initially is definitely a torment procedure …. slowly it’ll sink in for the well being, after all the machines made aren’t for useless purpose…they have certain plan and processing, only then they’re into manufacturing dept. Sad to hear that VLCC cudn’t convince you for further sessions :( … thanks to the dear granny techniques, try them at home, they work in better way, I bet. :)

Roy said...

you should see the movie "clerk". The son gets some "battery cells" which probably results in this battery current.

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