

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Blogging Nerd?

It is only after I started this blog I realized how fragmented I was - to different people I shared different things and let them in at different levels into my life. Keeping only to certain subjects, not voicing what I really feel about the things they hold dear, telling them only what I thought they should know...the works...I am sure everyone does this and its nothing new or different...but I am not ale to keep it up on this blog, and moreover Ive lost the need to do it, which I think is a very very good thing.....For instance, during my first few blogposts, I used to briefly think about those who are likely to read it, and try to not upset them atleast, if not pander to their interests....But offlate, those lines have vanished. My family, uncles, aunts, cousins, my friends, my foes, my bosses, my peers ..everyone reads my blogposts...and though I cringe at times when I imagine what they'll think, Ive learnt to let it go...

Hey, but here I should mention that they have been very good to me..whenever they discuss my blog, they hardly bring up the uncomfortable posts :)

I can think of around 3 of my friends who have created blogs but havent posted anything on them because they are still "perfecting the content"...well, to them I have to say that just start the ball rolling...and soon you wont feel bothered about whether the content is "perfect" or not...trust me on this....

I guess blogging just grows on you...and in all of us, I believe is a blogging nerd...

1 comment:

deppcrocks said...

well took the hin lady!!

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