

Monday, June 08, 2009

"Cat"apulted :)

Two months back, I received this email from my sister - "Please meet the world's most wonderfully lazy, feminine, mischievous cat - Joan Maynard Keynes ".

My first thought was "What is she talking about? Its only a cat. Anyways, cats are supposed to be aloof". Ouch, not true people. If you think aloof is a stereotype we have come up with, then hold your breath - so is cat!! Just as we feel its unfair to say blondes are dumb, so is cats are aloof, dogs are faithful etc etc..One word to describe the entire personality (ahem, so very presumptuous of us to call it "person" ality, thus dissociating animals from having one). It was upon meeting Keynes that I realized my sis is right - she is just like a person. And she definitely has a personality, a wonderful one at that. She gets happy and sad, seeks attention, senses people's intentions, has mood swings, and even gets bored. Oh, and she is really very trusting of newcomers, is even forgiving. And all the love you give her comes back to you - and yes, she is lazy and mischievous:) In other words, "cat" doesn't really describe her at all:) If someone asks us to describe ourselves, we wouldn't just say we are "humans" and leave it at that, would we?

1 comment:

KP said...

Cute little Kitty..Shruthi, she's really beautiful, Please have more pics of hers posted through VJ's Blog..!! :)

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