

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

And thats how the cookie crumbles...

You are cutting corners..the usual...adding records to a DB manually rather than the oh-so-sophisticated front end...and after many hours into the night your sugar levels are dipping but you've done 2000 records...and then  for no reason, each subsequent record reminds you what you did....in the year 2001...in 2002.....ups and downs, in and outs and roundabouts...and 2008...2009...ouch!...you cant wait to get past it.all..and then its now 2010....you finally begin to breathe easy.....then you reach 2015...you're wondering where you will be...and soon it is 2030..it gets scary now...and finally 2050...where you actually begin to feel like crying....because you think of all those who wont be with you then..and suddenly you cant wait to get to 2075 and be done with the whole thing.....

I dont get paid enough to do this!!


Roy said...

what happened??

Anonymous said...

It's all about timing.

Did'int u see the movie - 2012 EOW !!!

Why waste time dear. :-)


Sathish said...

Why do we get paid?.... so unidirectional life....

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