

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Inside out

There is this maid in the neighborhood who once spooked the living daylights out of me when she pinned another woman to the ground and stamped on her repeatedly, mouthing unprintable abuses, all in the middle of the road. See this video I took, though not much can be seen because it was very late in the evening.

It was only a petty quarrel but the things this lady said to the other woman is worse than I can ever imagine, worse than anything I ever heard or read - even if all of us put our heads together for a year, I doubt if we could come up with anything close. Only a diseased mind could say such things.

To me, this lady represented many things - the bitterness and hatred that comes with poverty, the petty mind which cannot think beyond the nuances of street politics and the tough survival instincts that are developed by facing hardships...it was sad and scary at the same time. But I could never forget her cruel behaviour...

The other day I happened to catch her eye though usually I look away...and for some reason she smiled at me...it was quite genuine, and on an impulse I gave her a flower which I happened to have. You should have seen her face light up, I tell you...and after seeing that smile, I suddenly feel hopeful...in general...u know?

Someone had this on their gtalk status a while ago - Too often we underestimate the power of a touch....a smile....a kind word....a listening ear....an honest compliment....or the smallest act of caring....all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

Its so true!


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure y, but the video dint wrk fr mua..!! :(

But ofcoarse, I saw this live..!!! :)

V said...

Why does my best friend have to leave anon comments? :P

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