

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Your giggle, my grimace

This is totally random I know, but nothing disgusts me more than people esp girls who giggle. I think they are terribly silly and you know, dumb?? Yeah, I know I sound too contemptuous, but I just don't get people who do it, and somehow, I think if someone finds something really funny, it is impossible not to laugh out loud, and more so, giggle. Really, I am losing it just writing about it. I can even go to the extent of saying that giggling is so fake because you are not laughing at something in good humor. Either they are collectively making fun of someone or they are nervous, or they want to impress someone....these are my three categories of giggling specimens....and none of them justify the fantastic idiocy.....

I meet all the three on a regular basis, for instance lots of people giggle at my Tamil (or Malayalam) cos they think it is very weird (ok, this I can accept, cos I really cant speak any language other than English properly) ...then I meet the ones who giggle when I talk to them cos they "didant know Yinglish" ...apparently this is a sentence they can NEVER say with a straight face without going into uncontrollable splits for no reason (we are supposed to smile benignly and wait for the hysterics to subside)...but the VERY WORST are the groups of girls who giggle flirtatiously at "pasanga" ( boys, sheesh !!!) - I meet countless of these on buses and trains esp on my trips to villages..Man...whenever I meet the flirtatious giggling types, I fervently wish the Earth would just split open and swallow either me or them !!!


SKK said...

What about those who gang up and giggle to make fun of someone eeh?
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VJ said...

We sure didnt giggle, Vikols :) even if we made fun:)

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