

Monday, June 25, 2012

Bruno & Cherry

Ok, I guess this will be the first of many, many posts to come about my dogs! :) This is my first time with dogs and I sometimes cannot believe how much I love them. I never thought I had it in me. There have been days when I’ve skipped my own breakfast to ensure that they have theirs, or have given up a weekend get-away because I didn’t want them to be left alone at home, or chosen to spend time playing with them rather than catching up on sleep and Ive even gotten over my aversion to handling meat for feeding them!

Not to boast or anything, I think these things come naturally to any dog-lover. Having said that, I think there is something inherently sad about owning dogs simply because they are totally at our mercy, with or without their will. Whenever my dog looks pleadingly at me for a tit-bit, I feel it. Or when I don’t allow them to bark at people they want to! Or when they wait patiently for me to  finish what I’m doing and open a door for them! Or when the vet comes home and they start shivering fearing the shots!

Its actually quite hard to explain and strangely, this is why I’ll never be a “good dog owner” by the standards, because I think for them and more often than recommended, oblige them, bend the rules and go out of my way to ensure that they are as happy and comfortable as possible! Good dog training practices require discipline and consistency, almost like running an army barrack, but I cannot do it – for example, I would much rather respect their food preferences and coax them to eat than being indifferent and letting them know that this is all they are going to get.
Anyways, all that can be discussed later because I am dying to introduce Bruno & Cherry, our two dogs who I love with all my life! :)

BRUNO - is a complete dope, very lovable, very trusting of others, very forgiving, forever hungry. He’s quite big and looks intimidating, but once you get to know him, he’s just a giant fur-ball and will eat out of your hand! Bruno has a protective instinct towards his family (and Cherry) and really has a heart of gold! He is not very inquisitive, isn’t surprised by much and lives for the simple pleasures like eating & sleeping.

The couch potato!
CHERRY - She is small, very sharp, very quick and VERY intelligent! People tend to be less fearful of her since she’s much smaller, a mistake, because she can be EXTREMELY aggressive and is the leader of the two. She doesn’t like strangers in the house and will take her time to trust you. She is also temperamental, and unlike Bruno, will remember if you scold her or smack her and sometimes won’t talk to you for days. She is very active, loves games and challenges, will make an extremely good guard-dog and never misses a thing! She eats almost nothing and is a great pain at each meal time. She also has an instinct for people that is so strongly accurate that it scares me at times.

Cherry basking in the sun!
Didn’t someone say that pet-owners personify their pets to a fault? :) I guess I am a good example. I remember wondering about this sometime ago in a post on my sister’s cat! Anyways, heres some more pics of Bruno & Cherry!
Inseparable as pups!
Cherry wants the pineapple
Cherry - Lost in thought!
Bruno with his horse shoe!
Buddies for life!
Lost to the world


deppcrocks said...

They are the best stress busters I have ever had:)
Even though they are a responsibility, I wouldn't trade them for anything!

SG said...

Very well written. Like to hear more dog stories

VJ said...

@ D - yes!! :)

@ SG - Welcome to my blog :)

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