

Monday, June 01, 2009

Details - God or the Devil ???

I urge anyone who subscribes to the good ol God is in the details or the more cautious Devil is in the details to re-consider the "details" part and why we think it is always needed. Step back and look at it and you will wonder if the details themselves translate into God or the Devil, constructive or destructive, good or bad, friend or foe.....This argument can be extended to almost anything which would then lead us to wonder whether somethings are more beautiful when not completely known.


deppcrocks said...

Me thinks that more deeper you dwelve on any thing the more dirt you are likely to find. Howevere, it is only then can/should you make your decisions. many a times the grass looks very green from outside....The options for us thus are
1) be blissfully anaware of the details and make choices, whereby you are likely to be in hot soup sooner or later
2) get the real picture by doing a thorough research and then there is likely of us being caught unaware.
Despite this understanding me has constatntly taken the former option as it is much easier to follow and the consequences seem too far in the future....

Unknown said...

The world was & is still in the state of entropy…..humans try to clear the chaos…
wonder is that when one cannot change themselves then how can the nature be transformed?. Like some one said, “Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder”….if we inculcate tolerance then we could see it in all else nutin cud ever satisfy humans (the unsatisfied beings)…..
For our convenience…gud/bad …ying/yang…white/black…angel/demon…these are taught inorder to restrict and follow particular pattern…how many REALLY do so is another Q for us to debate…!!!

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