

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Random Rant

Know whats really annoying??? Arbitrage!!  Kept afloat to enable opportunities and customization is a sweeter way of saying free-rider!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

We now know from swanky, but what about stupid?

Some people are about the finer bits.

Is the thought-bucket really that deep? Heres something that illustrates the point.

A supplementary titled Luxury must-haves for every CEO (which by the way, is a contradiction in terms ) in an Indian edition of an internationally acclaimed magazine ...heres your clue - starts with an F and ends with an S and has an O R B E in between...Now take a wild guess??

Anyways, of the seemingly wondrous things recommended, the first pitch was for washroom decor, if you please.  

Imagine a sumptuous bathroom where everything is interwoven to create a seamless, unique and evolved form.  It is the alchemy between the inner-self and the world and the makers call it "a new sense of lightness", a more emotive way of looking at things. Here, water itself is the design object.   

Never mind that the piece in question was obscenely expensive and by no stretch of imagination a value for money in real terms. Or so it seems..but people who believe that they would connect with something they couldnt otherwise would believe in it.

It cant be, can it? Isnt this a classic case of polishing brass hoping to turn it into gold?

Is this really an experience only few can afford or is it something you can get and more by just watching the sea?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

fuzzy wuzzy creepy crawly caterpillar funny!

:) Its still good...and I suggest you never forget to love it...like the smell of the first rain, the taste of freshly brewed coffee, the wind through your hair or the feel of the waves at your feet...the few things that always make you happy...

I dont like being grown up :( 
And I havent done it graciously either :(

(P.S: And in a Oh WTH! moment add Good to Go, Organic Audio to that list)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

And thats why you run..

I am going to sound a bit high-schooling but nevertheless, its worth writing about ...So, yes! There are few things as fulfilling as going for a run...and whats more is that its an exhilarating feeling when you sprint past certain people :) Dont judge me, going for a run in Madurai is not easy, and the Brazilian roommate doesn't help, sweet as he is...

Anyways, whats really great is that Ive realised I have a running routine...it starts with In your eyes, followed by Jame Raho (I dont know, it feels just GREAT), Insatiable and Learning to fly (which is when you actually feel your feet leave the ground), I'm a bitch, Here I am and then then a supreme finish with the magical chords of High Hopes.  

And I didnt know it...

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Would it bother you if your ex was getting married?

For some reason, many people have asked me this over the last few weeks..It depends majorly on who the person is and what you shared with them..And quite suddenly, he called to invite me to his wedding today. I am happy for him but at the same time, I dont want to attend the wedding. It would be awkward.

There are two kinds of exs- the we didnt work out but lets be friends kind and the we didnt work out so its too painful to see you exist kind...see THATS what the answer depends on :)

And only the first kind would invite you anyway...

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

American Girl in Paris!

I have a curious problem with this blog - I am unable to write happy posts anymore...And Ive gotten my cheap thrills although I wish I hadnt...But seriously..when I come here, all the glowing drafts in my head turn blurry and gradually disappear like fog from glass...I cant write about my work..or my friends...or my feelings...anymore!! What I can write about is the new things I did...Its like a conditioned response..

And its not funny!

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